
TFT's tailor-made dehumidifiers for your industry

Air Quality is the best ally of modern industry and the public and civil.
Dehumidify is the solution to save money, time and resources. TFT solutions for humidity control enhance the performance of every production process, increase the energy efficiency of buildings, and therefore, save money and resources in the long run.

Adsorption Dehumidifiers

The adsorption dehumidifiers using a technology based on the use of materials naturally drying, as the silica gel…

Condensing Dehumidifiers

This dehumidification technology exploits the physical process of condensation of water vapor…

Air Conditioning

Portable evaporative coolers provide a versatile and efficient solution for cooling air by exploiting the basic principle of water evaporation…

TFT Dry Air Solutions is a trusted partner

Always focused on results and customer oriented, our goal is to provide specialized solutions, efficient and customized for every application and industry with an excellent quality / price ratio and attention to energy saving.

Guaranteed Quality

All products by TFT Dry Air Solutions are subjected to acceptance tests and quality control certified according to criteria respecting high quality standards and internationally recognized.

They also comply with the RoHS Directive 2002/95 / EC (Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive) which imposes restrictions on the use of hazardous substances (lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium) in the construction of electrical and electronic equipment.

products certificate 01 BV Certification Aziende 303 tracciati 1400x649 1
products certificate 02 BV certification 9001 tracciati 1400x649 1
products certificate 03 cert
products certificate 04 Marchio ACCREDIA Organizzazioni certificate 150
products AD1025 STD